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Assemblies of Yahweh Ministries Newsletter

Issue No. 18                                           India                                                        Oct. 2005


Fall Festival dates 2005

Feast of Trumpets- Shophar Teruah(heb.)- Oct. 6(Fifth day of week)- Ethanim 1.  (Dates start with the evening before.)

Day of Atonement-Yom Kippur-Oct.15(Sabbath)- Ethanim 10

Tabernacles- Sukkot- Oct. 20-27(Fifth day to Fifth day of week)- Ethanim 15-22

These dates are calculated using the visible crescent moon from Ysrael.  The year is started with the first new moon after the vernal equinox.

The feast of Trumpets is a high Sabbath in which no servile work is to be done, Lev. 23:23-25.  This day announced the approach of the day of Atonement and started the 10 day period of preparation for that most holy time.  It is good to meditate on one of the Ten Commandments each day leading up to the tenth day of the seventh month.

The day of Atonement is a high Sabbath and was also a day of fasting in which one is to afflict his soul because of his sins, Lev. 23:26-28; Acts 27:9.  This is the most holy day of the year.

The first and the eighth-day of Tabernacles are high days in which no servile work is to be done, Lev. 23:33-36.  The eighth day symbolized the redeemed of Yahweh rejoicing in the new heaven and earth after the 1000 yr. millennium.  On this day we should take time to remember the reward of Yahweh to His faithful saints, Heb. 11:24-26;  Heb. 10:25;  Mt. 5:11,12.

Festival Meeting Places

  • Hyderabad- Medipalli prayer hall- contact Pas. Y. Sunith Premanand, 040-24072976 or cell – 9866485304

  • Visakhapatnam- Zion School, Pithapuram Colony, br. G. Raja Prasad, call:  0891-2575569 or 9246614656

  • West Godavari dt. A.P., Lankapalem, br. Tony B. Suckla, Pas. M. Hariem, Pas. M. David 08812-248030 or 08814-252402

  • East Godavari dt. A.P., Malikipuram, Pas. Issac E. Kusuma, 08862-227613 or cell 9849385038

  • West Godavari dt. A.P., Eluru, Pas. G.B. Benoni, 08812-235109

All of the above places will keep all eight days of Tabernacles; meals will be provided for those coming from out of town.  There will be simple accommodations available at the location of the feast site, but call in advance to make arrangements.

Which month?

Some Yahweh worshippers are keeping Tabernacles in the month of September this year and some are keeping it in October.  The main reason for this is because some are starting the year with the observation of the barley harvest and some are starting the year with the first new moon after the vernal equinox.  We must all study the evidence and decide what is right but I will present the general view of the Assemblies of Yahweh Ministries in India.  1.  Moshe never entered Canaan land, so it is hard to think that he was instructing people to start the year with the barley in Canaan.  2.  Gen. 1:14 states that the sun and moon set the times for the years, not the barley.  3.  We have documented proof of the way Ezra and Nehemiah started the year in the years of 472BC-400BC.  During this 72 year period the Jews in Jerusalem always started the year with the first visible crescent after the vernal equinox.  The Babylonians also started their year this way.  4.  After the Babylonian captivity the Jews adopted the Babylonian month names for their years as well.  This would not have happened unless they were starting the months and years the same or there would have been great confusion. 

For more info on this topic see Newsletter #4. Past newsletters can be viewed on the internet at:

Assemblies of Yahweh Ministries, Annual Committee meeting. Oct. 31, 2005

All members of the Assemblies of Yahweh ministries are requested to attend the Annual Committee Meeting, scheduled to be held in Eluru, W.G. Dt. A.P.  Meeting will be in the Duggirala area of Eluru, at the Myers childrens home.  Current members include, G. Raja Prasad, President, Vizak dt.;  K. John Babu, Vice President, Vizak dt.;  Y. Sunith Premanand, General Secretary, Hyd. dt.;  G. Sarojini, Joint Secretary, Vizak dt.;  Tony Suckla, Treasurer, W.G. dt.;  S. Solomon, Guntur dt.;  G. Samson, Guntur, dt.;  B. Aquila,  W.G. dt.;  B. Jyothi, W.G. dt.;  M. David, W.G. dt.;  M. Hariem, W.G. dt.;  G.B. Benoni, W.G. dt.;  P. Neelambaram, W.G. dt.;  G. Dixon Rupart, Krishna dt.;  V. Tabitha, W.G. dt.;  D. Devasahayam, W.G. dt.;  D.V. Rao W.G. dt.;  G. Vijayanand, Vizak dt.;  M. Mani Kumar, E.G. dt.;  Kakara Yadidiyah, Vizak dt.;  P. Solomon Raju, W.G. dt.;  D.S. Paul, E.G. dt.;  B. Prasad, W.G. dt.;  MPS Raju W.G. dt.;  K. Moshe W.G. dt.;  John David Vizak dt.;  Prema Ramanandha Vizak dt.;  M. Ranidhir Khammam dt.;  B. Prabhu Dass Vizak dt.;  R. Ratna Paul, Khammam  dt.

The meeting will start at 10am and will end around 9pm that night.  It is compulsory for all members to attend or either to inform the office of the President, Gen. Secretary, or Treasurer as to why they cannot attend.  Failing to attend the meeting without informing anyone will be reason for removal from the body.  Many items need to be discussed such as the Bible Translation Project, the unity and financing of the work, election of Executive Body, doctrinal position, addition of new members, etc…  One side and a half travel charges will be provided to those requesting it from the Treasurer.

His throne is upheld by Mercy

King Solomon said, “Mercy and truth preserve the king: and his throne is upheld by mercy.” Prov. 20:28  The seat of Yahweh’s government is not established by justice alone, but by mercy to erring repentant beings seeking His righteousness.

When Yahweh described His character to Moshe He said, “Yahweh, Yahweh El, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, 7Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.” Ex. 34:6,7  We see the idea of the mercy of Yahweh stressed, but that He is also an Elohim of truth and justice.  In the construction of the earthly sanctuary Yahweh said He would appear to Moshe and commune with him above the ark of the covenant.  The cover of the ark of the covenant was called the “mercy seat”;  And thou shalt put the mercy seat above upon the ark; and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee. And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.”Ex. 25:21,22  Between the Law of Yahweh in the ark and the presence of Yahweh above, there was the golden cover called the mercy seat, thus showing that there is mercy between Yahweh and His Laws.

  Over and over in the history of the nation of Ysrael we see the great mercy of Yahweh manifested.  No matter how corrupt the Ysraelites became, if they repented and sought Yahweh again, he was always open to receiving them.  In Lk. 15:11-32 the story of the prodigal son shows the great mercy of the Father toward a wayward child.  After the son willingly left his father’s house and went and squandered his inheritance with harlots, the father still welcomed him back home again with all honors of a beloved son whenever the son finally “woke up” to the wrong course he was on.  So we see that the government of Yahweh is established in mercy.  O give thanks unto Yahweh;  for He is good: for His mercy is for ever.”  Ps.136:1

  Yahweh has predestined us to be rulers with Him upon His throne.  Human beings are to become kings and priests in His eternal administration.  To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.” Rev. 3:21  Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His Own blood, 6And hath made us kings and priests unto Alaha, even His Father; to Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen”  Rev. 1:5,6(Alaha is the Aramaic word for ‘God’)

  To be a righteous king and priest one will not only need to know the law of Yahweh but they will also need to develop the wisdom of showing mercy to the sincerely repentant.

Dowry for a Bride

In mainland India it is customary for a girl to pay dowry to her prospective husband.  Depending on the qualifications of the boy she might pay anywhere from a few thousand to several laks(100,000’s) of rupees.  However in the northeastern part of India in the states of Mizoram and Manipur the boy will pay dowry to the girl of a few hundred to several thousand rupees, depending on the tribal customs.  What does Yahweh’s word say about the paying of dowries?

  We see from the practices of Abraham, Yitzchak and Yacob that it was the boy that would pay dowry to the girl.  In the law of Yahweh it specifies that the dowry price of a boy to a girl was to be 50 pieces of silver, Ex. 22:16,17;  Dt. 22:28,29.  Depending on how big the pieces of silver were, the dowry would be in rupees somewhere between 500 to 12,000 Rs. or ($11.00-$280.00).  Maybe silver had a higher value in Biblical times but we see the general idea that the boy paid the dowry, not the girl.  This practice was useful in proving that the boy was capable of supporting a wife and family.  Here in India, every beggar living on the street feels it is his right and duty to marry and have several children; even though he really has no sufficient way of supporting them.  Thus his children will be raised in abject poverty.  This might could be avoided if it was required for one to pay dowry for a bride before he married.

  Yahweh Himself has endowed us to be the wife of His Son Yahshua, the dowry price has been paid with the blood of His Son.  “Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Ruha Qudsa hath made you overseers, to feed the congregation of Alaha, which He hath purchased with His Own blood.”Acts 20:28  “know ye not that your body is the temple of the Ruha Qudsa which is in you, which ye have of Alaha, and ye are not your own? 20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify Alaha in your body, and in your spirit, which are Alaha’s.” 1 Cor. 6:19,20.  Revelation 19 shows that Yahshua’s return to this earth is symbolized as a marriage, but the marriage is being delayed because we have not made ourself’s ready.  “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself ready.”  Rev. 19:7

We, as a body, need to commit ourselves fully to Yahweh to be overcomers and finish the work He has given us in this world.  When Yahweh’s people have shown by their lives that they are co-laborer with Him, He will come and claim them as His Own, Mt. 24:14.

Sabbath Testimony

In Eluru, W.G. dt. Pas. G.B. Benoni has three daughters that were having troubles at school because they would not attend classes on Sabbath day.  The teachers were punishing his daughters by making them stand in the sun for several hours, and making them to do hard exercises as a punishment for not coming and taking their exams on Sabbath. 

Benoni’s oldest daughter, Lizzy Rowena, was in 10th class and she refused to take one of her final government exams because it was on Sabbath day, and thus she only obtained a compartmental pass in 10th class, although her overall grades were a high 80%(480 marks out of 600).  When she was entering college the principal asked why she had a compartmental pass, Benoni explained the situation with the Sabbath and the principal was impressed with their firm convictions, so the principal gave a written order that Lizzy can now have leave on all Sabbath days throughout her college education.

Because of the troubles the two younger daughters were facing, they were not wanting attend the same school the next year.  But when the head mistress found out about the reason for their absence on Saturday, she also gave orders to the teachers to give them courteous leave on all Sabbath days throughout the rest of their education to 10th class.

The turning point for Benoni’s daughters was when the school officials saw that even on the final 10th class government exams they would not appear on Saturday, then the school officials knew that their convictions were sincere. 

The head mistress complained to Benoni that he was ruining his daughter life by making them get compartmental passes as his daughter make high grades.  Benoni replied that there is compartmental passes here on earth, but not in heaven.  So now at least through their college schooling their Sabbath keeping freedoms are granted.

We have troubles for a time in this world but Yahweh eventually gives peace to the sincere worshipper.  Ps. 37:37-40

Words for living

Before you spend, Earn. Before you write, Think.  Before you speak, Listen.  Before you criticize, Wait. Before you pray, Forgive.  Before you die, Give.  Before you retire, Save.

Contact Information for Assemblies of Yahweh Ministries:                                         

G. Raja Prasad                                                     bro. Matithyah  08812-250404 (telefax)

9-9-43 Mangapuram Colony                     

Vishakhapatnam, A.P. 530017      >>>      

0891-2575569 or 9849147243

Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.  Ps. 37:37